The Sunflower Nationals Auto Show is hosted by the Rock Star Lions. The show is held annually on the 2nd Saturday of August (unless otherwise noted) at Schey Park in Keenesburg, Colorado.
The Show is Free to show your car, motorcycle, special auto or truck and Free to attend. It starts at 9:00am, after the Southeast Weld County Fair Parade (Keenesburg main street) and goes till 3:00pm. We provide prizes and awards for the following entries: Top Bike, Top 10, Top Rat Rod, Under 21, Sponsor Picks, and the most coveted… People’s Choice! Our live band will perform throughout The Show. We will have a selection of Food Trucks, Retail Vendors, Games such as Duck Races, 50/50 and Chicken Shit Bingo for everyone’s enjoyment. Truly, fun for the whole family!
Since 2012, the Rock Star Lions have been hosting and operating the annual Sunflower Nationals Auto Show in Keenesburg, Colorado. The proceeds from the show go to The Howard Wakely Memorial Scholarship Fund that is awarded each school year to Weld Central High School Seniors for use towards a college of their choice.
The Lions Club is the world’s largest service club organization. We help where help is needed – in our own communities and around the world. Our charter, the Hudson-Keenesburg Lions, a.k.a. Rock Star Lions has a special focus on creating a better community and future for our youth, and is working hard to bring unity to our rural communities.
Serving the Hudson-Keenesburg Area, the “Rock Star Lions” meet once a month in Keenesburg.
For further information, please contact our President, Lion Carl Fredrickson at 303-884-9051 or by email at